
Temple Isaiah relies on the generosity of our members and friends to fund important programs and services that membership dues alone cannot cover.

Generous member donations are a significant part of our annual budget, and the annual campaign begins on July 1st. This year, you have the opportunity to make your annual campaign contribution along with your membership renewal.

Our temple provides a sanctuary for prayer, life cycle events, Shabbat and holiday celebrations and unique lifelong learning opportunities. We also prioritize social justice by feeding families in need, supporting programs for disadvantaged youth
and protecting the environment. This important work is made possible by the contributions of our members.

If you would like to ensure that we can continue these services and programs that help our community thrive, we invite you to join the Leadership Circle. As a token of our appreciation, the Membership Committee will offer enhanced membership
perks to Leadership Circle members.

Your annual campaign contribution and potential membership in the Leadership Circle are personal decisions that will help ensure that Temple Isaiah can continue its mission for generations to come.

If you have questions about becoming a member of our Leadership Circle, please contact Deborah Moses at 310 277-2772 or [email protected].


  • Exclusive invites to Leadership Circle-only VIP salons/experiences
  • Donor recognition in Temple Isaiah’s Annual Review

Kochavim (Stars)

Membership dues and gift of $30,000+

  • – Special donor event with Clergy
  • – Exclusive Rabbi Circle event
  • – Four leaves on our Memorial Tree in the Nickoll Sanctuary
  • – Complimentary entries in the Yom Kippur Book of Memory
  • – Membership in Isaiah Women and/or ChaiVillageLA
  • – Six High Holy Days guest tickets

Malachim (Angels) 
Membership dues and gift of $18,000 – $29,999

  • – Special donor event with Clergy
  • – Exclusive Rabbi Circle event
  • – Complimentary entries in the Yom Kippur Book of Memory
  • – Four High Holy Days guest tickets

Membership dues and gift of $10,000 – $17,999 

  • – Special donor event with Clergy
  • – Four High Holy Days guest tickets

Double Chai
Membership dues and gift of $3,600 – $9,999 

  • – Special donor event with Clergy
  • – Two High Holy Days guest tickets

What does it mean to be a member of Isaiah? It means standing up for what you believe in and showing up for others when they need you most. It means living courageously and creatively. It means giving as the most fulfilling way to receive.   

Please take the time to listen to Kristen Lonner, as she shares her story of how the Temple Isaiah community lifted up her and her family in her time of need. 

Please consider a generous contribution to Temple Isaiah.