

Join us at Temple Isaiah, a reform community open for those looking to embrace their Jewish roots and elevate their life through our practices and ideals. Temple Isaiah membership offers more than just a richer Jewish experience; it’s a path to spiritual and intellectual growth, providing opportunities to make a positive impact. We offer a diverse array of Shabbat Services, social justice initiatives, educational programs, and engagement possibilities within the community. Rooted in inclusivity and support, our neighborhood shul encourages exploration, connection, and meaningful contributions to your Jewish journey.

For more information and to schedule a tour, please contact David Sabel, our Membership Manager at [email protected] or 310.277.2772.

2024-2025 Membership Commitment

For the 2024/2025 fiscal year which runs from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, the Board of Trustees has not raised membership dues.

However, the need to ensure safety during these tumultuous times requires us to add for this year a $200 mandatory security fee. As a result of the horrific attack against the Country of Israel on October 7, followed by the growing anti-Jewish attacks against the Jewish Community around the world, we must increase our security with upgrades to both our facility and our staffing. We have taken great care and thought in increasing our safety efforts, and the Board now believes it is necessary for the congregation to support an additional security assessment. We pray that the day will come soon when we will no longer need additional security.

Membership Level (Select one) Required
July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025
Two Adult Household Membership
Families with Children Membership (One or Two Adults with one or more children)
One Adult Household Membership
Married Young Adults Membership (Where the oldest member is 30 or younger)
Single Young Adult Membership
Security Fee ($200) Required
$200 per household
Additional Contributions (optional)
Bonim (Builders) Membership (optional) A Builders Membership is for our congregants who are able to contribute above and beyond our standard dues to help support those members that cannot pay for a full membership. A Builders Membership is separate from the Annual Campaign as 100% of this additional contribution is directed toward membership assistance.
$1800 above and beyond Membership Dues
ARZA/WUPJ Dues (optional) Association of Reform Zionists of America & World Union of Progressive Judaism
$50 per family

We know that membership is more than a price tag.

It’s a covenant. It’s a commitment. It’s planting the seeds for a lifetime of community and connection. We will not turn anyone away due to their inability to pay. If you are unable to pay the stated dues, we welcome you to complete a financial assistance form by reaching out to our Membership Manager, David Sabel, at [email protected] or 310-277-2772 ext. 61.

100% of membership dues are tax deductible.