Volunteer and Work In The Religious School
With over forty classes being taught each week filled with projects and activities, you can imagine how much prep needs to happen in the office! We welcome your volunteer time. The Religious School office is a really fun, dynamic place. If you have a single hour or would like to be part of our team and join us each week, we would be grateful for your support!
Join the Religious School Parent Association (RSPA) to help organize parent education and social events such as our yearly Hanukkah party. Volunteer your home for parent gatherings. Contact us at [email protected].
Volunteer as a room parent and become part of the lifeblood of our community. Our teachers can always use extra hands and minds.
Contact Carla to learn more.
RISHONIM (Teaching Assistant)
Being a Rishon or Rishona at Temple Isaiah’s Religious School is both a mitzvah and honor. The Rishonim (teaching assistant) program is open to Isaiah students entering 10th – 12th grades. Rishonim are an important part of Temple Isaiah Religious School. They represent a personal commitment to Jewish education and the Temple Isaiah community. Rishonim are paid California minimum wage. Students are often so excited when they receive their first paycheck from Temple Isaiah!
In the classrooms, our Rishonim will teach our students a great deal. They may teach the students to understand a difficult concept; they may help a discussion group connect to an ancient Jewish concept of modern life, or they may develop a game that students can use to review the key points and ideas learned in class. In addition to the teaching materials from the curriculum, they will teach the students how to conduct themselves at Temple, setting a positive example for all. Younger children look up to our Rishonim and emulate their enthusiasm and participation. Rishonim help our community pass the Jewish heritage on to future generations. At the same time, being selected to serve as a Rishon or Rishona means that our community sees you as a positive role model for Jewish living and leadership.
Apply Here
If you have experience teaching religious school and are interested in exploring opportunities at Temple Isaiah, please contact Carla Kopf.