Yom Kippur, Tisha B’Av and the Fight for Israeli Democracy Yom Kippur Morning Sermon 5784
High Holy Days 5783/2022 Yom Kippur Moing
A Challah Recipe: A Yom Kippur Sermon by Rabbi Zoe Klein Miles on Yom Kippur 5782
Welcome Back. Are we back? by Rabbi Zoe Klein Miles on Rosh Hashanah 5782
Rabbi Zoë Klein Miles - Yom Kippur Sermon 5781
Rabbi Zoë Klein Miles - Rosh Hashanah Sermon 5781
Rabbi Zoë Klein Miles - Rosh Hashana Day 2 Sermon 5780: Rabbi Zoë shares the story of her father’s 100-edition print “Abraham”. An art dealer took the edition to Europe…
Rabbi Zoë Klein Miles - Rosh Hashana Day Sermon 5780: We know about the Evil Eye, but could we exercise its antidote, the Good Eye, to change the way we…
Rabbi Klein Miles - Friday Night Shabbat Sermon 5779 - Lists of names, lists of dead, lists of wounded overwhelm us. Delving into the infinity of one life, however, is…
Sermon - Friday Night Shabbat - 2019 / 5779 - Millions of people have been submitting DNA kits like 23 and Me to discover their ancestry, and some are dismayed…
Kavanah - Friday Night Shabbat - 2018 5779 - When gender-based violence is considered a “women’s issue” instead of a "men’s issue," we all lose.
Sermon - Friday Night Shabbat - 2018 / 5779 - In honor of the upcoming midterm elections, Rabbi Zoe Klein Mile shares excerpts from a fiery suffragette speech through which…
Sermon - Rosh Hashanah - 2018 / 5779
Sermon - Friday Night Shabbat - 2018 / 5778