Shabbat Shirah sermon - In honor of Steve Fox’s 90th Birthday
Yom Kippur Sermon by Rabbi Zoe Klein Miles - A poetic journey seeing to make sense out of this year's remnant and wreckage. October 12, 2024
Yom Kippur, Tisha B’Av and the Fight for Israeli Democracy Yom Kippur Morning Sermon 5784
High Holy Days 5783/2022 Yom Kippur Moing
A Challah Recipe: A Yom Kippur Sermon by Rabbi Zoe Klein Miles on Yom Kippur 5782
Welcome Back. Are we back? by Rabbi Zoe Klein Miles on Rosh Hashanah 5782
Rabbi Zoë Klein Miles - Yom Kippur Sermon 5781
Rabbi Zoë Klein Miles - Rosh Hashanah Sermon 5781
Rabbi Zoë Klein Miles - Rosh Hashana Day 2 Sermon 5780: Rabbi Zoë shares the story of her father’s 100-edition print “Abraham”. An art dealer took the edition to Europe…
Rabbi Zoë Klein Miles - Rosh Hashana Day Sermon 5780: We know about the Evil Eye, but could we exercise its antidote, the Good Eye, to change the way we…
Rabbi Klein Miles - Friday Night Shabbat Sermon 5779 - Lists of names, lists of dead, lists of wounded overwhelm us. Delving into the infinity of one life, however, is…
Sermon - Friday Night Shabbat - 2019 / 5779 - Millions of people have been submitting DNA kits like 23 and Me to discover their ancestry, and some are dismayed…
Kavanah - Friday Night Shabbat - 2018 5779 - When gender-based violence is considered a “women’s issue” instead of a "men’s issue," we all lose.
Sermon - Friday Night Shabbat - 2018 / 5779 - In honor of the upcoming midterm elections, Rabbi Zoe Klein Mile shares excerpts from a fiery suffragette speech through which…