Shabbat Sermon by Rabbi Dara Frimmer Rabbi Dara gave a moving sermon that reflects on the power of solidarity, the strength in community, and the deeply personal connections we make…
Parashat Va’era 2025 Rabbi Dara Frimmer delivered a powerful sermon, Getting Proximate (Even) Without a Plan, exploring leadership, empathy, and resilience in uncertain times. Drawing on the story of Moses…
Rosh Hashanah Day 2 5785: When faced with the end of the world, we could be cynical and despair. We could give up. We could abandon societal norms and expectations.…
This year, it matters how you choose to live your Jewish life. It matters to our family, here and in Israel, it matters to our non-Jewish neighbors, our fellow Angelinos…
The pathway forward is not about expulsion or eradication. It’s about living together and finding a particular kind of holiness in co-existence. A holiness that is human-centered and sustainable, and…
Shabbat B'reishit October 13, 2023
Kol Nidrei Sermon 5784
Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Sermon 5784 THE READINGÂ CHALLENGEÂ - CLICK HERE
Friday Night Shabbat Services in Honor of Pride Month
Rabbi Dara Frimmer - Rosh Hashanah Day 2 Sermon 5779 -Â Rabbi Dara Frimmer shares a provocative and timely teaching in the name of Dr. Yehuda Kurtzer, President of the Shalom…
Sermon-Shabbat Vayakhel-Pekudei - 2018/5778
High Holy Days 5783/2022 Kol Nidre
High Holy Days 5783/2022 Rosh Hashanah Morning
The Misappropriation of Zero Sum by Rabbi Dara Frimmer at Kol Nidre 5782