Rabbi Zoë Klein Miles
E-mail: zoe@templeisaiah.comRabbi Zoë Klein Miles has served this congregation since 2000. She graduated from Brandeis University with a B.A. in Psychology and received ordination from Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion in 1998.
She is the author of multiple novels including, Drawing in the Dust and The Scroll of Anatiya, which were published by Simon and Schuster. Of Drawing in the Dust, Publishers Weekly wrote, “Insight into the world of biblical excavation in Israel raises Rabbi Klein’s debut novel from a Jewish Da Vinci Code to an emotionally rich story of personal and historical discovery…Rabbi Klein’s most vivid passages depict the meditative tedium of digging, the exultation of discovery and the intricate processes of authentication and preservation while love stories past and present—and a balanced, compassionate view of both Israeli and Arab traditions—add to the book’s pleasures.” Drawing in the Dust has been published in five countries.
In addition to novels, Rabbi Klein has written articles for numerous publications including Harper’s Bazaar, Tikkun, and Torat Hayim. She has written chapters in a number of collections including The Women’s Torah Commentary, Teen Texts, and Holy Ground: A Gathering of Voices on Caring for Creation. Her poems and prayers are used in houses of prayer around the country.
Rabbi Klein gives numerous presentations and is a keynote speaker or panel participant at various assemblies all over the country. She is a resource for reporters in regional newspapers and has appeared as a commentator on the History Channel in “Digging for the Truth.”