Hanukkah Hike to the Hollywood Sig

Join the TIYP crew for a special daytime Hanukkah hike to the Hollywood Sign! Tour guide, comedy producer and TIYP-er…

Hanukkah Hot Ones

Social Hall Full

Join TIYP for the hottest Hanukkah event of the year - literally. Spice enthusiast Cantor Randall Schloss will be your…

Shabbat Shira


At the moment in Torah when we celebrate the crossing of the Red Sea and liberation of our people from…

S’lichot Service and Reception


The highlight of Elul is the celebration of S’lichot. Join us on Saturday evening, as we prepare for the Days of Awe at our…

Mental Health & Resiliency Retreat


Join our friends at The Braid for the experience you need right now — recharge and heal your spirits in…

Ha Ha Hanukah


Join us for a night of the best Jewish comedians from HBO, Comedy Central, and Netflix. Proceeds from the comedy…

Hanukkah Hot Ones

Join TIYP for the hottest Hanukkah event of the year - literally. Spice enthusiast Cantor Randall Schloss will be your…