Join your Temple Community in the Holy Land!

Israel is an intrinsic part of our Jewish soul & collective spirit. We pray toward Jerusalem, chant Torah in Hebrew, study & engage, wrestle with & celebrate our Jewish home, an extraordinary symbol of hope & promise in the Middle East. From our youngest preschoolers to our most active Chai Villagers, Israel is part of everything we are at Isaiah. 

With a sense of optimism and excitement, we are thrilled to share these opportunities for Isaians of all ages to travel to Israel with one another and with your Temple community. Read on for more information and get ready to join us ba’Aretz! 

Summer 2023 – Intergenerational Journey to Israel 

June 21 – July 2, 2023

Join Rabbi Jaclyn Cohen and her family on the trip of a lifetime! This trip is open to all ages and includes just about everything you could imagine on an “Israel’s Greatest Hits” list, perfect for first-timers. We’ll pray at the Western Wall, sample falafel on Ben Yehuda street, marvel at the Namal in Tel Aviv, surf the Mediterranean, honor the memory of generations past at Yad Vashem, float in the Dead Sea and so much more.

For those who’ve dreamed of a
Bar or Bat Mitzvah in Israel
(and those whose plans to do
so were thwarted by Covid)
we are proud and excited to
offer a B’nei Mitzvah track,
including a beautiful ceremony
at Robinson’s Arch at
the Western Wall. 


As an “add-on” to the main trip we’ll have options for those looking to engage more deeply in Israel’s politics, food, arts & culture, an ideal approach for those returning to Israel for their second (or third, or eighteenth) time.


We have a tremendous opportunity as part of our congregational trip thanks to the extraordinary generosity of Joan and Ephraim Sales z”l. The Sales’ legacy gift to Temple Isaiah included supporting high school students’ travel to Israel. As such, we are thrilled to offer substantially reduced travel on our congregational trip for Isaians entering high school through those who’ve recently graduated. Teens will spend the days together on their own track and join with their Isaiah community in the evenings and on Shabbat.
Have a high school student?
Know a high school student?
Tell them about this amazing opportunity!
Interested? Great! We’ll hold an Information Session in-person, Sunday May 1, 12:30-2pm at Temple Isaiah and a virtual (Zoom) session Wednesday May 4, 7:30-9pm. Email Claire Austin to get looped in. 
Come make lifelong memories with your clergy & fellow congregants. Join us in Israel in 2023!

Summer 2022 – This Summer!! – High School Students Only

Our friends at NFTY (the Union for Reform Judaism’s global teen program) are excited for the return to Israel teen trips this summer and are offering a major financial incentive – grants of up to $3250 – to young people excited and ready to travel to the Holy Land. There are different types of experiences offered – all information can be found on NFTY in Israel’s web page. Don’t forget to ask NFTY reps about cashing in the $250 gift certificate for Israel travel from your Bar or Bat Mitzvah!

No matter how or when you get there,
we’re thrilled to be returning to Israel.

Rabbi Dara Frimmer  |  Rabbi Zoë Klein Miles  |  Rabbi Jaclyn Cohen