For more information or if you need help making contact with those listed below, please call Nancy in the main office at (310) 277-2772 or email her at [email protected].
Adult B’nai Mitzvah – Two-year Bar/Bat Mitzvah training for adults.
Adult Choir (HaSharim) – HaSharim participates in our High Holy Day services and sings at Shabbat and Festival services throughout the year. – Cantor Tifani Coyot; [email protected].
Ambassador Program – Ambassadors are Temple Isaiah members who fulfill the sacred responsibility of hachnasat orchim, welcoming strangers. Ambassadors can be identified by their badges at services and temple events and reach out to those who look new or unsure to extend a friendly welcome and to answer questions. In addition, each new temple member is matched with one of our temple ambassadors to make sure the new member feels welcomed and part of our temple community. For more information about becoming one of our Ambassadors, or if you are a new member who for some reason, did not get matched with an Ambassador, contact Jill for more information. – Bobby Kass/Laurie Jacoby- [email protected]
Beyond Shelter – Founded in 1988, Beyond Shelter’s mission is to develop systemic approaches to combat poverty and homelessness among families with children and to enhance family economic security and well-being. Beyond Shelter accomplishes its goals through responsive service delivery, people-centered community development, and the creation of knowledge for social change. Temple Isaiah’s relationship with Beyond Shelter encompasses activities including: food/baby goods drive for the Skid Row Crisis Center; mitzvah projects collecting items for the Crisis Center and Rec. Center at Broadway Village II (BVII is a low income housing project that Beyond Shelter built);
Thanksgiving dinner baskets for BVII families and Skid Row Crisis Center families; holiday party hosted at Temple Isaiah for the children of BVII; adopt a family program; provide welcome home baskets for homeless families moving into housing to ‘start again.’
Big Sunday – Big Sunday offers more than 200 sites across Los Angeles where each of us can give of our time, our talent and our good wishes no matter our age, our skills or our background. Everything about Big Sunday is completely non-denominational, non-political and free. All anyone is asked for is their time and their talent. Big Sunday projects are designed to be completed in just one day or less. Building on our tradition of social action, Temple Isaiah hosts and leads a number of projects during this “day of good deeds.”
Camp Isaiah / ITY / JITY / Club 456 – Temple Isaiah provides a unique and exceptional opportunity for people in grades 1-10 to gather and celebrate Jewish life and FUN. Programs are designed to give participants a chance to interact socially and in a safe environment while exploring their Jewish roots. Our goal is to foster friendship, Jewish identity and increase the likelihood of staying connected to the Temple and to each other through high school and into young adulthood. Camp programs include Kehillat Noar for entering grades 1-6, and Madrichim (counselors in training) for entering grades 7-10. ITY stands for Isaiah Temple Youth and is open for high school students and is led by a teen board. JITY is our junior group open to grades 7-8, CLUB 456 is open to grades 4-6. – Lisa Greengard; [email protected]
Caring Committee – Temple members volunteer to help fellow congregants in need. We provide delivery of a meal or two (e.g. after a hospital stay, birth of a baby), hospital visits, sitting shiva, rides to Temple functions, and support to individuals going through life-cycle events with which we have experience. This is a great way to create an extended family feeling for our congregation. – Rosalie Roder; [email protected]
Facilities – Provides suggestions on improvement and repairs.
Family Camp – A weekend retreat at Camp Hess Kramer for congregants of all ages. Beginning with Shabbat and ending Sunday afternoon, Family Camp is a weekend filled with exciting outdoor, family, community, educational, and spiritual activities. – Rabbi Dara Frimmer; [email protected]
Finance – Reviews and directs finances of the Temple. – Dale Joyner; [email protected]
Green Team – Consciousness Raising, Educational, and Action Group Devoted To Living Sustainably on Our Only Planet. – Steve Fox; [email protected]
Greeters – Congregants greet others and hand out materials at the Sanctuary entrance. Temple Board Members offer informational and welcoming words at Friday and Saturday Shabbat services. Pattie Chorn greets Congregants at Saturday morning Shabbat Services. Stuart Goldurs helps congregants assist in ushering during High Holy Day Services. Contact Martha Sklar, [email protected].
Chavurah – If you like the idea of participating in a smaller group, you might look into joining a chavurah at Temple Isaiah. The idea of a chavurah is to encourage Jewish creativity and experimentation and to build deeper relationships within a smaller group of congregants. Chavurot meet once a month based on the schedules and interests of the members (~10 families/chavurah) to celebrate Shabbat, havdallah, or Jewish holidays as a group. Some have brought in guest speakers. Other prefer Sunday night potluck dinners. – Rabbi Joel Nickerson; [email protected]
Lifelong Learning – Enrich your life through Jewish study by learning with our clergy and guest lecturers at adult retreats and more.
Little Isaian – Monthly publication by the Preschool informing Congregants of Temple news. – Preschool Office; [email protected]
Membership – Plans for recruitment, integration and retention of members. – Ellen Cantor; [email protected].
Preschool Cabinet and Preschool Parent Association – Discusses issues of the preschool. – Ariella Silver- [email protected]
Religious Education Committee – Discusses issues of the religious school. – Naomi Sachs-AMrami; [email protected]
Safety and Security Committee – Reviews and works to maintain the safety and security for congregants, students, staff, guest and the Temple facility.
Social Action – The words above our ark read, “Tzedek tzedek tirdof,” justice justice you shall pursue. As Isaians, we accept the challenge to pursue and attain justice. Our work is local and global, with opportunities for direct service as well as participation in long-term campaigns. As Jews, we are charged with the task of Tikkun Olam, repairing and healing our world. We are committed to picking up the pieces, one by one, to build a world of justice and peace for ourselves and for future generations.
Temple Isaiah Leadership Development – An educational program established to train the next generation of Jewish leaders through the integration of Jewish learning, values, and social responsibility. Participants will emerge from our program with a deeper appreciation for how Jewish values and tradition can be empowering to make the world a better place, especially through social activism and civic engagement. The focus is on building and honing specific skills for synagogue leadership to be used in roles as committee chairs and members. Topics: Creating a Leadership Brit – A Covenantal Partnership, Organization of the Congregation, the History of Reform Judaism and the Reform Movement, Financial Issues and Policies, Spirituality and Leadership, Education, Membership, Leadership Skills, the Synagogue in the Community and World, and the History of the Synagogue. Discussions, programs, and events deal with major issues in the Jewish world, all grounded in Torah and vision.
Pop-Up Choir (formerly Cantor’s Chanters) – Temple Isaiah Show Choir (TISC!) is a youth vocal ensemble comprised of students in grades 3 through 12. They perform at select Shabbat services, senior centers and public events throughout the community. – Cantor Tifani Coyot; [email protected]
Tot Shabbat – Plans Shabbat programs for our youngest congregants (ages 2-5) on a monthly basis.
Office Work Volunteer – Help the Main Office and Religious School Office with office work. – Main Office, Nancy Morton; [email protected].