Small Groups List
Small Groups List & Descriptions
Explore Temple Isaiah Small Groups by clicking on the titles below. Learn what the group is about, who is leading the group, when and where they will meet, and more.
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Game Groups
Leader: Zachary Brown
About: Did you know that playing games creates more happiness? Playing games triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural “feel-good” chemicals, and the interactive nature of game playing leads to more connections. Join this once a month gathering at Temple Isaiah to play all sorts of fun board games.
Minimum group size: 4
Maximum group size: Any
Age Range: 14-100
Level of activity difficulty: Beginner
Location: Temple Isaiah
When: Once a month, 2-4 hours
Leader: Bruce Wolfowitz
About: Modified Fast Pitch, competitive Softball League with representative synagogues from the westside of Los Angeles. Season runs from January to June, typically 14 games played exclusively on Sunday mornings (8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. start times) at fields located in within 10 miles of Isaiah. (Also: there is a weekly pick up game at Cheviot Park, across the street from Isaiah, that is a great opportunity to play with some of the team members.)
Minimum group size: 10
Maximum group size: 15
Age Range: 18+
Location: Cheviot Hills Park, Baldwin Hills Park, some Valley games
Cost: Your blood, sweat and tears. (About $150 a season, plus uniform costs)
Dates and times: Sundays, January to June, 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. start times
Length of Group: 14 Games plus Playoffs
Leader: Shelley Hoffman
About: The group will play games of Scrabble and/or Shanghai. Instructions provided for newbies.
Minimum group size: 4
Maximum group size: 16
Age Range: any
Location: Shelley’s home and others
Cost: None
Dates and times your group will meet: First Tuesday evening of the month 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
How often will the group meet: once a month
Leader: Andie Weinstein
Description: Mahj Simcha (mahjong joy) bring people together to play American Mahjong in a fun and supportive environment. Those who are familiar with all levels of play will be welcome (beginner, intermediate, advanced) as we hope to match people up who are compatible with one another to play as well as socialize and enjoy the game. Sessions will be free of charge and participants encouraged to bring light snacks and beverages to share. Formal lessons will also be available separately if of interest. Inquiries should be sent to Andie Weinstein via email at: [email protected].
Group size: 2 – 18
Location: Temple Isaiah
Dates: Second Wednesday of every month to start, then changes can be made based on participants
Time: TBD based on interest. Kickoff is suggested to be 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Music Groups
Leader: John Levy
About: Let’s start an informal rock band at Temple Isaiah! This casual group will get together and jam on popular rock, pop, and folk tunes from the 1960s through today. All skill levels are welcome, from campfire strummers to virtuosos. Whether you want to sing or play guitar, drums, keyboard, tambourine, or any other instrument, come and join the band!
Location: Temple Isaiah
Dates: Saturdays once a month
Time: TBA
Movie Groups
Leader: Joshua Cohen
About: Men’s Movie Club is a gathering space for Temple Isaiah Men to connect & laugh together while enjoying deli, Chinese food, or any cuisine of the group’s choosing. Our common thread? Our love of and appreciation for great comedies of the 20th and 21st centuries. The first year we delved into Mel Brooks. In the second year we’ll focus primarily on the artistry of Billy Crystal, though in future years our plan is to widen our scope to other directors and visionaries. Ideally we’ll have guest speakers (anyone have a connection to Billy?) to offer insights into the respective masterpieces we’ll be enjoying. Join us for the Men’s Movie Club!
Who can join: Men ages 21 – 100
Dates and times: 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm; (All dates are tentative and subject to change) October 16
November 13, December 11, January 15, February TBD, March 12, April TBD, May 7
Length of group: 7 sessions
Location: At the Temple or backyards / movie rooms
Minimum group size: 5
Maximum group size: 15
Sill level: Beginner
Cost: share meal costs
Leader: Sheila Moncavage
On the second Sunday afternoon of each month (2-5 pm), relax and watch a musical, drama, or comedy from Hollywood’s “Golden Age” (1930s-early 1960s). Our movie viewing will be followed by a lively discussion of the movie’s impact on us. One movie will be shown per meeting. No advance preparation needed. I will choose the ‘surprise’ movie and guarantee it will be entertaining. My passion for these movies started when I was young and I’m excited to be sharing them with you.This Small Group is for those who have always loved ‘old’ movies and for those who have never seen them and are curious about their place in American movie history.
REFRESHMENTS: I will provide movie snacks. Participants are welcome to bring their own favorites.
LOCATION: Sheila’s home
DATES: 2nd Sunday of each month (hopefully beginning 6/9/24)
6/9/24, 7/14/24, 8/11/24, 9/8/24, 10/13/24, 11/10/24, 12/8/24, 1/12/25, 2/9/25, 3/9/25, 4/13/25, 5/11/25 (NOTE: 5/11/25 is Mother’s Day, so this date may change) Additional meetings can be arranged, if desired.
TIME: 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
AGE RANGE: 18 and Up
COST: None
Leader: Nancy Goodman Iland and Linda Glaser
About: Do you love a lazy afternoon watching movies about food with your girlfriends? Come join us for an afternoon of movie-watching followed by a guided discussion/fun trivia about the movie. Our movie theme is gastronomical foods that will tantalize your taste buds.
Location: Nancy’s living room (address provided upon rsvp)
Minimum group size: 3 people
Maximum group size: 12 people
Date: Fourth Sunday of the month – beginning Sunday, June 23rd.
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Food theme: Bring a healthy potluck snack to match the movie.
Food Groups
Leader: Harriet Shaham
About: Do you want to feel GREAT?!? For me, I dropped down to my ideal weight, got off all prescription medications, eliminated preexisting medical conditions and felt my energy levels grow. There is a large growing community of people switching over to the plant-based lifestyle and reaping the rewards. Come to my home, once a month to learn, not just why I switched and the evidence based medical materials behind this movement, but how you can incorporate this into your life!
Minimum group size: 5
Maximum group size: 15
Level of activity difficulty: Beginner
Location: my home
Will there be a cost? No
Dates your group will meet: Second Sunday at 5 PM
Time(s) your group will meet: 5-6 PM
Length of Group: 4 meetings
Leader: Jeff Winikow
About: A group for people to cook separately but eat communally. Each session will focus on a single cookbook with all participants making one or more recipes from this common cookbook. We will gather to enjoy our meal, discuss the cookbook and enjoy each other’s company.
Most people are aware of book clubs; a cookbook club is similar in that we will focus on a single book but different in that we will actually create a comprehensive dinner, in pot luck fashion, where we can truly get a sense of the cookbook beyond a collection of recipes.
This is a group for individuals. If a couple wishes to join, they must join separately.
Participants must be fully vaccinated, but it is expected that people will be unmasked at the dinner table. Dinners may be indoors or outdoors, depending on the weather.
I want to select books that do not require culinary acumen. I want to eliminate self-consciousness about cooking skill or presentation. I am aiming to select interesting cookbooks for home cooks
Who can join: Anyone
Dates and times: Once a month on Saturday nights from 7 pm – 9 pm; Meeting once every 4-6 weeks.
Location: Group members’ homes – indoors and outdoors
Length of Group: 4 session
Minimum Group Size: 6
Maximum Group Size: 10
Skill level: N/A
Cost: Yes – for food purchased for your recipe
Leader: Robbie Diamond
Description: This group is for people who love trying new restaurants and meeting new people. This is for singles and couples who like good food and good company. We will meet once a month and discover together new dining experiences.
Who can join: Anyone
Dates and Times: 6:30 pm on February 8, March 8, May 10, June 7 (no April meeting because of Passover) Length of Group: 4 sessions
Location: Various locations
Minimum Group Size: 6
Maximum Group Size: 10
Skills Level: n/a
Cost: Cost of your meal
Book Groups
Leader: Connie Sommer
About: When we think of LA, we think of film and TV, but this is also a city with a vast, rich literary life. This Small Group will be going to check out that scene! We will be attending author readings and talks at various local bookshops and performance venues. If time permits, we will also grab coffee and a bite to eat afterwards to discuss. Some events are free, and some may have a fee. We will aim to meet at least once a month. If you are a writer or a lover of books, join us!
L’Chayim Groups
Leader: Deena Goodman
About: Get together with others with an affinity surrounding Bourbon, Whiskey and good conversation. Together we can learn more about these spirits while tasting them. This groups has been successfully meeting since December 2021 and is looking for a few more members to join in the fun.
Who can join: Adults ages 40s – 60s.
Dates and times: Sunday afternoons (time to be determined by group), every 4 – 8 weeks, 90 minutes
Length of group: 6 months
Location: Private backyard
Minimum Group Size: 6
Maximum Group Size: 18
Skill level: All levels
Cost: Shared cost of spirits
Leader: Susan Bartholomew
About: A congenial group that enjoys drinking and learning more about beer! Format and activities will depend on the group’s knowledge and desires. Possibilities include visiting local beer bars and breweries, attending local beer festivals, and sharing special beers. The goal is to have fun and learn about beer styles!
Who can join: 21 years and older
Dates and times: Monthly; TBD
Location: TBD
Length of Group: 4-6 sessions
Minimum Group Size: 5
Maximum Group Size: 12
Skill level: N/A
Cost: Variable
Service Groups
Leader: Diane Gross and Cindy Mori
About: Parents of children for the college classes of 2024, 2025 and 2026 are invited to come together to create and assemble care packages to send to our children for the Jewish holidays and during exams. Also, this will be a time for us to connect to discuss the joys and challenges of parenting a college student.
Who can join: Parents of first, second and third -year college students.
Dates and times: Will meet in November. Date and time TBD
Location: Sales Community Center
Length of group: November 2022-May 2023
Minimum Group Size: 3
Maximum Group Size: 18
Skill level: N/A
Cost: None
About: With rampant antisemitism and hate on the rise, Kulanu will empower us to address these issues using a whole-of-society approach through self-driven programming, expanded incident reporting, and community mobilization. ADL’s Kulanu Program is national in scope, but local in our focus, guiding us to forge formative relationships in our community through collaboration and bridge building between our synagogue and our neighbors.
In the wake of the horrific events that have been happening in Israel, we also grapple with societal ills – including systemic hated and bias afflicting Jews and so many others targeted for their beliefs and identities. This work is important now more than ever before and underscores the need for synagogues in action.
Through Kulanu, we will develop and launch initiatives about combatting antisemitism and hate focusing on three key areas: advocacy, community engagement, or education. ADL partners with us by offering our working group access to ADL experts through monthly webinars and workshops, as well as ADL content, resources and tools on an online portal. We will invite all our members to several exclusive ADL briefings and programs during the year for Kulanu congregations. Additionally, as part of Kulanu we look forward to learning from and with a wide variety of North American congregations across the continent also focused on this work. We look forward to making a difference in the fight against antisemitism and hate here at Temple Isaiah and in Los Angeles.
Length of Group: 8 Months, meeting about once a month
Location: Temple, homes, bars
Minimum Group Size: 4
Maximum Group Size: 15
Leader: Samuel Behar (Tempe Isaiah Teen)
About: Teens teaching you how to use your device and help troubleshoot problems you might have run into along the way. We can help you become more safe, organized and advanced at navigating the vast online. No experience necessary – best rates in town!
Maximum group size: 0
Age Range: Teens can join to help teach, and anyone can join to learn
Location: Temple Isaiah
Cost: None!
Dates and Times: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., September 10, October 1, October 15, November 5, November 19, December 3 or 10
Leader: Michele Bollinger
Description: The Roots and Wings program was launched in 2008 by Rabbi Zoe Klein Miles and Temple Isaiah members. Each year, temple members have mentored local high school students as they prepare for their transition to college. The program creates a collaborative partnership between the temple and local public school(s) through purpose driven dialogue, empowerment and relationship building.
Roots & Wings at University Charter High School The Roots & Wings team joins 11th and 12th grade students at University Charter High School in the classroom twice per month. Each mentor works with a group of 3-5 students for the academic year, and sometimes beyond graduation. Many of the students who participate in the program will be the first in their families to attend college. Our goal is to help the students prepare for their transition to college. The program focuses on practical support and skill building in areas such as: writing college essays, completing applications, researching/applying for scholarships, thinking about living with a roommate, practicing creating social connections in college, and preparing to live independently. The program has been extraordinarily rewarding for both students and mentors.
Minimum group size: 8
Maximum group size: 15
Location: University High School
Dates and times: Every other Friday during the school year, 9:30 am – 12 noon
Length of Group: Approximately 19 sessions
Leader: Jolin Crofts
About: Gather for discussions on the topic of America’s Foreign Policy and how it effects global antisemitism. We will look at one article at each gathering.
Location: Temple Isaiah
Dates: Meets before the Isaiah & Israel: Join the Conversation discussion. Next dates are January 10 and February 7
Time: 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Minimum group size: 5
Maximum group size: 10
Length of Group: As long as members are interested
Leader: Judy Werner
About: Join for two sessions in which we will envision and train on how to be a more healing and supportive community. Two of the sessions will be workshops with Rabbi Carla Howard, founder and director of Jewish Healing Center of Los Angeles, in which we will go over the traditional origins of the mitzvah of caring for the sick, practical “how to’s” including role-playing to feel more at ease with what are often uncomfortable tasks. Participants will be able (although not obligated!) to have additional training, and to have five monthly follow-up sessions to hone their skills.
Location: Private homes and temple
Dates: Thursdays, December 12 and 19
Times: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Minimum groups size: 6
Maximum group size: 12
Where I’m From Groups
Leader: David Feldheim
About: This Small Group will establish a forum for Isaiahans with Cleveland Roots to share memories of all things Cleveland, i.e., restaurants; sports; entertainment; neighborhoods; whatever puts a smile on your face.
Location: Restaurants over lunch
Dates and times: Frequency of meetings will be established at first organizational meeting.
Leaders: Ann Weinman and Rona Berns
About: For anyone who was born, grew up, or who lived a substantial length of time in Chicago. We’ll discuss where were you born/lived, gone to school, did for the summer, favorite places/restaurants, watch Chicago sports teams you rooted for, whether you ever encountered antisemitism, and any other issues folks want to discuss.
Time: Frequency of meetings will be established at first organizational meeting.
Locations: Various homes and restaurants.
Interest Groups
Leader: Robin Siegal
About: Ever wonder about Jewish culture and history throughout the world? We “wandering Jews” have lived in all corners of the Earth, adapting our rich Jewish traditions and customs to these regions. Historically we have also had great influence in these communities. Guest speakers will share stories and family traditions. Delicious foods will be tasted, and customs experienced. Optional readings before the group sessions.
Location: Temple Isaiah
Dates: December 8, January 12, February 9, March 9
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Minimum group size: 8
Maximum group size: 20
Leader: James Finney-Conlon
Description: For three Sunday mornings in February, join fellow lawyers from Temple Isaiah to learn about Jewish ethical teachings on different legal issues ranging from reproductive health, immigration, and more. Coffee and bagels available, plus schmoozing.
Group size: 6 – 15
Location: Joan and Ephraim Sales Community Center
Dates: Sunday mornings after parent drop off February 9, 16, 23
Time: 9:30 a.m. Sunday mornings following parent drop off
Support Groups
Leaders: Natasha Bogopolskaya, Michael Khayat, and Madeline Wolf
About: Are you seeking a space to connect with other Isaians to discuss the emotional impact of the daily events happening in Israel? Whether you have family there, want to process an anti-Semitic comments at work since October 7th, or simply feel like you are holding on to so many feelings at once that you need time to unpack them, then this small group may be for you!In follow up to the Healing Words panel and discussion in May 2024, we are offering a monthly small group via Zoom. This group will allow opportunities for congregants to connect and discuss feelings and thoughts around the aftermath of October 7th and the current state of events in Israel, as well as how they may be impacting you here in the US. The goal of this group is to create a space for nonjudgmental conversation, empathy, validation, and peer-to-peer support (during our monthly meetings and perhaps offline in-between those sessions!). This group will have rolling participation, meaning people can join for one or all sessions. We hope that if you are seeking a space that meets some of these described needs, you will join us.
Dates: Once a month
Time: Determined by group
Minimum group size: 5
Maximum group size: 10
Participation: Rolling participation, meaning you can still join after it’s started or for a few sessions
Length of group: Determined by group
We are forming a new community within Temple Isaiah of people who are living with or have lived with cancer. We will explore how Judaism can help us rebuild our lives. We will share discussion, ritual, texts, learn wisdom from different voices, and try new things like yoga and sound baths. The tapestry of our lives will never be the same, and together we will reintegrate what has been unraveled into something strong, beautiful and new.
Navigating your child’s IEP in the public school system can be overwhelming, confusing, and worst of all, isolating. Parents face challenges, conflicting information, and roadblocks. We want to create a network of parents to share their experiences, wisdom, and support. A place where parents can recommend a wonderful speech or occupational therapist, or a law advocate they’ve worked with. A place where parents can look for advice on how to balance parenting, working, and the detailed work of the IEP. A place to share challenges and triumphs, and support one another, so that we don’t have to navigate this wilderness alone.
Let us know if you would like to join this confidential group of Isaiah parents. Sign up here
For people in bereavement, a monthly gathering to share and learn with one another.
Temple Isaiah’s peer-led Small Groups will provide a variety of new pathways to connect our members to one another and the larger Isaiah community around shared interests. These small groups will have a limited time commitment, with a specific start and end date.
A Small Group consists of 3 – 18 people gathering together around shared interests. Group leaders will be fellow Isaians who will receive support and training to facilitate positive group dynamics. Small Groups will be time limited, with a start date and an end date. The frequency, dates and location of meetings will be determined by the group. At the last scheduled meeting, the group can either end or renew. Small Groups are an opportunity to try something new and connect with members of the community.