Rabbi Zoë Klein Miles offers three reflections (kavanot) during Solidarity Shabbat. TEN COMMANDMENTS When I first learned the Ten Commandments, I was disappointed. The Israelites went through all that to learn not to murder? Really? Isn’t that obvious? Maybe not. HEALING Rabbi Klein Miles speaks about the Walking Wounded, the thousands who now move through the world with bullet wounds. ELEVEN ARE THE STARS In the Pesach song, “Who Knows One,” when it comes to the number “eleven”, the verse is: “Eleven are the stars.” The stars in the song refer to the stars in Joseph’s dream, but now, for us, eleven are the stars stand for those who were killed at Tree of Life synagogue: Joyce Feinberg, Richard Gottfried, Rose Mallinger, Jerry Rabinowitz, Cecil Rosenthal, David Rosenthal, Bernice Simon, Sylvan Simon, Daniel Stein, Irving Younger, and Melvin Wax.