Rabbi Josh Weinberg, Vice President of the URJ for Israel and Reform Zionism & Executive Director of ARZA, the Association of Reform Zionists of America, breaks down the parties, the leaders, the possible coalitions, and the complexity of Israel’s recent election on April 9, 2019. Encouraged by questions from our community, Rabbi Weinberg offers insight into the electoral process while sharing personal stories along the way, painting a picture of life as a Reform Jew in Israel. To learn more about ARZA and continue learning from Rabbi Weinberg, go to arza.org/join and “Stay in the Loop” by signing up for their weekly newsletter.

And if you love this topic, then you’ll love our Temple Isaiah Israel 2.0 Trip this January 15-25. More information online: static.arzaworld.com/Flipbooks/Temp…_January_2020/