Temple Isaiah Establishes Center for Innovation to Strengthen

‘Your Home at the Intersection of Tradition and Innovation’

Professor Leonard and Stella Schuler Kleinrock
donate $250,000 to build a first-of-its-kind Center
Temple Isaiah today announced the creation of the Kleinrock Schuler Center for Innovation that will use the tools of the 21st-century to offer the latest digital resources to engage and deepen community connections among Isaians and the larger Los Angeles community. The Center, the first-of-its-kind in the synagogue’s history, is made possible thanks to the generous lead gift of $250,000 from Leonard Kleinrock and Stella Schuler Kleinrock.

“Our hope and dream in supporting the Center is to offer all members, young and old, a place to learn, innovate, create, communicate and enjoy together,” shared Leonard Kleinrock and Stella Schuler Kleinrock. “One of the common themes in our professional and personal lives has always been a commitment to education, innovation, and improvement in people’s communication skills and opportunities. The Center resonated with both of our interests and life’s work and will embody the realization of our dreams.”

Located in the newly refurbished Joan & Ephraim Sales Community Center at Temple Isaiah, this Center will be a place for members to develop as leaders, teachers, visionaries, and co-builders of the Temple’s incredible community. The Center will be committed to disrupting the traditional format of frontal preaching and teaching. Instead, it will increase efforts to identify potential leaders of all ages, with diverse voices, who have great ideas and gifts to share. The Center will help them find a meaningful pathway in service to the larger community.

“The Center for Innovation will be a makerspace. It is a spiritual laboratory. It is a Center for growth, both in tradition and innovation,” said Senior Rabbi Dara Frimmer. “Thanks to the generosity of Leonard Kleinrock and Stella Schuler Kleinrock, our members will be able to be “co-builders”, learning to become leaders in their families and community, with an impact that reaches beyond the walls of our Temple.”

The Kleinrocks have committed to a generous matching
gift challenge of $250,000 towards the Center for Innovation.
Their hope, over the next few months, is that it will inspire others
to match their gift dollar for dollar.
Will you join them in their efforts to build Temple Isaiah’s newest
room at the intersection of tradition and innovation?
Don’t miss this opportunity to double our impact by making
a gift before Passover (April 15).
If you are interested in committing to a matching gift, or would like to
discuss leadership-level giving to support the Center, please reach out to

Rabbi Dara Frimmer  Senior Rabbi    |     Allie Samek  Temple President