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K12 Pathways
Do your kids love music? Music is the language of the soul. Sign your kids up today to participate in one of our innovative music programs:

Pop-up Choir is popping up every week! Sing with Cantor Schloss, Songleader Sophie Feldman and the whole community for the High Holidays, Simchat Torah, Chanukah, Shabbat and more! We will meet each week that Sunday School is in session for a pizza lunch and fun singing from 12:00-12:45 PM. No additional cost. Contact Cantor Schloss to register.

Singers and/or instrumentalists: help lead musical T’filah on Sundays 9:30-11:30. Leadership development, social time with peers, no cost to the family, and we may even pay your teen to participate! Contact Carla for more information.

Like to blow the shofar, sing, play an instrument? Join us on the bima at this most important time of year! Contact Cantor Schloss for more information.
Contact Cantor Schloss for more info on all of this exciting music-making at Isaiah.
Young(ish) Families:
Do you have a child 0-8 years old? We’ve got the perfect programs for kids and families to connect to Judaism and Jewish community!
Members: Register through our membership portal.
Non-Members: Contact Carla Kopf
Tween & Teen Leadership Opportunities:
Do you have a 7th – 12th grader? Sign up for one of our leadership development tracks with no cost to the family, and we may even pay your teen to participate!

7th-9th grade
Our new leadership development program, modeled after our Rishonim Teen Fellowship. Students will serve as teachers’ assistants and staffing weekend retreats.
Community service hours (if applicable) and small honorarium.

10th-12th grade
Rishonim participate on Sunday mornings and/or Tuesday afternoons, supporting teachers in our classrooms or assisting in the school office. Fellows attend several professional development sessions and receive a generous stipend, thanks to Gail Solo and the Gail Solo Youth Opportunity Scholarship Fund.
Rishonim will receive a $2000 stipend for completing the year-long program.
Contact Carla Kopf to enroll your child (or to remind your teenager to apply!)

One-On-One Hebrew Tutoring
Sessions are ongoing. For any questions or more information, please email Carla.
Click Here to Signup
Here is a Link to Online Voice recorder:
Have your children record themselves practicing Hebrew words or saying the names and sounds of the Hebrew letters. and share them with you or Have your child record her/himself saying a blessing or a song and listen to it to check themselves.
Here is a Link to Learning Hebrew:
This website is one of my favorites. You can play memory games, learn how to write Hebrew letters, shapes, names, and sounds, create flash cards and much more. It is one of my favorites.
Sundays: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Tuesdays: 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m.Â