
And Whoever Saves A Life, It Is Considered As If S/He Saved An Entire World. Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5

Dear Families and Friends:

In our community there are members challenged with chronic illnesses and debilitating conditions. As Kristen Lonner shared in her Yom Kippur speech, “There are members of our community who are in need, some of their circumstances are not yet visible, but some are visible.”

To help bring awareness and support to our community members, we are going to dedicate our next Family Shabbat Service and Friday Night Shabbat Service to them. We are making both services and the Preschool Shabbat dinner on October 26thHEALING SHABBAT.  We will also have the opportunity to learn more about some of these organizations that fund research or provide support for those facing these challenges.

We hope that many of you will be able to join us for this very special Healing Shabbat and join with us in prayer and love.

Here is how you can help:

For those PS/RS families who have young kids and plan to attend our 6:00 p.m. dinner, you can help by RSVPing, so we know how much food to prepare. Please consider joining us for a shift in the kitchen to chop, stir and cook the delicious meal. We will be creating dishes full of fresh organic ingredients known to have healing properties. To RSVP or Volunteer Click Here

Represent or let us know about an organization that focuses on healing and wellness that is meaningful to you. Contact Seth or Stephanie and we will provide space for you in the lobby to help educate the community about your cause.

Help lift up our friends who are facing challenges by giving our support, our love and our prayers. #BeingIsaian