Sermon – Shabbat Pinchas 5778 – We have forgotten what it is like to travel with allies without google maps calling out our next turn and giving us an estimated time for arrival. We have forgotten the importance of flexibility – being willing to use the tools and resources we have in the moment – the skills we are learning as we do the work — and making decisions in real time as to what is required and how we want to act. The poet Audre Lorde wrote, “Sometimes we are blessed with being able to choose the time, and the arena, and the manner of our revolution, but more usually we must do battle where we are standing.” We must learn to do battle from the place we are in. Not the place we wish we were. Not the place we were in 2 years ago. Now. This place. This time. With these people. To show up and stand up and fight for more just and compassionate immigration policies…now. Even when we don’t know where we go next. The movement starts in the place where we stand.